Occult Entertainment

DM Secretary

Current Version: 5.1.191
Next Version:
Release Date:
February 28, 2010
Lead Developer:

DM Secretary is a program that enables the Dungeon Master of a Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 game to run her or his game from a computer.

You could also prepare a campaign with DM Secretary, print the results, and use them in more traditional pencil-and-paper tabletop setting.

However you use it, we hope this collection of tools and information will make running your Dungeons and Dragons campaign an easier job!

Note: This program, like everything Occult Entertainment produces, is FREEWARE. No catches, advertisements, registrations, etc. Just download, install, and use!


Technical Details

DM Secretary is written in VB 6. The program basically reads a campaign file, load its content in controls, validates some user entries and rewrites them to a campaign file. To help with the programming of DM Secretary, some knowledge is needed of OOP, especially OCXes and even better: Win32 APIs (plain calls, hooking and sub classing (I'm a fan of Dan Appleman)). You must be able to write clean, commented code, merge code when updating.

If you are interested in helping us out, please visit http://barncatsoftware.org/ and contact the sites "webmeister" - who also happens to be DM Secretary's Lead Developer. The site will explain what is expected, and if you have any questions, he'll be happy to answer them.

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."
- Gary Gygax

